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whatever that means中文

用"whatever that means"造句"whatever that means" in a sentence"whatever that means"怎麼讀


  • 無論那意味著什么


  • - whatever that means . - oh yeah , you ' re gonna get some
    -無論那什么意思. -對,你會得到一些
  • Whatever that means . - oh yeah , you ' re gonna get some
    無論那什么意思. -對,你會得到一些
  • Whatever that means nowadays
  • Whatever that means
  • And a sweaty skinhead but i love you whatever that means . . . but i don t wanna talk
  • “ if he is indian as you say , whatever that means , and if he is back here to stay this time and if he tells me that himself , i ' ll let it go
  • “ since you ask , it makes me ache . i have lupus , they tell me . a mild form , whatever that means . ” her grimace he took to be sarcastic
    “既然你問了,就告訴你:它讓我疼痛。他們說我長了狼瘡。輕度的狼瘡,管它那是什么意思呢。 ”他覺得她說這番話時做的那個鬼臉是在譏諷他。
  • But there is , nevertheless , a strong dollar policy , whatever that means , and this incidentally seems contradictory to the long established advocacy for a freely floating exchange rate regime
  • 25 years and my life is still / trying to get up that great big hill of hope / for a destination / and i realized quickly when i knew i should / that the world was made up of this brotherhood of man / for whatever that means / and so i cry sometimes / when i ' m lying in bed / just to get it all out / what ' s in my head / and i am feeling a little peculiar / and so i wake in the morning / and i step outside / and i take a deep breath and i get real high / and i scream at the top of my lungs / what ' s going on
用"whatever that means"造句  


whatever that means的中文翻譯,whatever that means是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯whatever that means,whatever that means的中文意思,whatever that means的中文whatever that means in Chinesewhatever that means怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。